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Unlimited free browsing for etisalat up to 1tetrabytes!!

I'm making this because i feel that there's someone out there who havent benefitted from it. I didnt make this post because i believed that this trick has gone viral but am always surprise to find people who say that they dont know about it and i have to undergo the stress of sending configuration settings to different people separately so i said let me make a post of it.
This trick require a subscription of 150 naira or even 50naira (chat pak) and once its activated, you would be able to browse and download unlimitedly up to 2tetrabytes and more!!! this trick is blazing real hot and it works for symbian, android, windows mobile and pc.
Theres a little more to it. When you subscribe for the chat pack, ensure not to have up to 150naira on your device as long as the subscription is still on so as to avoid auto-renewal( or you can just deactivate auto-renewal). The chat chat pack is meant for one week but do not worry about that because once you make the first subscription, the sub wont expire (thats what am using now for 3 weeks!!)

1. Get an etisalat Sim card and dial *200*3*3*l# now select 2 which is "weekly chat" for 150naira or dial *200*3*3*2*1*1# for 50naira
2. Without wasting time, go with any of the below procedures to start rocking your unlimited browsing.

Android users:
There are so many ways to make it work on android. Infact i would find it hard to believe for you to say that it wouldnt work on android devices because i have up to 4 procedures for just android.
I have already explained the rest of them except Troid vpn which am about to explain.

1. download TroidVPN from Google

2. Open and input the following:
Lport: 80 or 443 Rport: 0
now to go advance and put this:
Tick use proxy for tcp connection
Proxy host:
proxy port: 3128
Header= Host: mobile.facebook.con
3. Now save and connect and enjoy free browsing!!
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